

It is that time of year again....parent teacher conferences :) It is hard to believe that the 3rd quarter is almost over. Our quarter ends on March 11....it is fast approaching!

As most of you know, this year has been trying. I am teaching quite a few classes, coaching speech (which requires after school practice, before school practice, practice during my plan periods, waking up at 4:00 on Saturday mornings in order to ride a bus for an hour or so into Central Time Zone and then not returning until 5:30 that night), taking a 3 credit grad. class on Tuesday nights from 5-9, and Nate and I are trying to get more involved with our church. Busy!

Despite this crazy (and at times...seemingly unbearable!) schedule, I wouldn't trade it for the world. I have learned so much about teaching, time management, etc. I am also learning to be more patient....notice that the verb "learning" is in present tense...not past tense. Thus indicating that learning is an ongoing action...not an action that has been mastered in the past :) Ok, enough English talk for now! My busy schedule along with various other things, have taught me to be patient...to be calm and know that God is in control. Of course, I tend to forget this...luckily I have a great husband who is always ready to remind me :)

Well...I should sign off....parents are starting to fill the gym and lesson planning is beckoning me :) Hope everyone is doing well!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The best part of teaching is Parent Teacher Conferences(sarcasm much)! You are a wonderful teacher and it has been fun(and difficult at times) to see you grow this year. I know that the students are learning from you and you are connecting with them! Have a great day hun