
Social Action Project Update 4

Nate and I just got home from a soup sampler lunch benefit that two of my English 9 students put on to raise money for a neighbor of theirs who has a rare blood disorder. I have to be honest, I didn't expect a good turn-out, so when we pulled up to Martin Bay Church, I was so impressed to see a full parking lot! I wish I would've taken my camera so I could've posted a few photos. The girls had managed to get 13 large pots of soups, sandwiches, bread sticks, and several desserts donated to them for the event--they had more than enough food. When we left they had already raised $700!

As we sat and ate our soup, I about cried several times just thinking about all the work the two girls put into their project. It's such a big deal for two 15 year old's to put themselves aside and think of another person. They had to go out of their comfort zones so many times for this to happen: they made phone calls to reserve the church, asked people to bring food, stood in front of their church congregations and announced the event during Sunday service, hung posters around the school, etc. Incredible. I really don't think we adults give teenagers enough credit. Now, did all my students do this amount of work for their social action projects? No. But, I do have about 25-35 who have really risen to the occasion. If we give kids a chance to do something big, many of them will. I pray that this project will stay with them for years to come!

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