
Random updates

Since my blogging activity has been sporadic lately, here's a few random updates and accompanying photos:

  • Our jobs are busy...nothing new. But they have been going well for us. I've rekindled my love affair with American literature in teaching my English 11 CP course. In our unit on transcendentalists, I hijacked a project that a colleague and friend created to accompany Thoreau's Walden. The activity required the kids to go outside and read, write, and reflect. It was wonderful; the kids begged for more. We just finished The Scarlet Letter, and now we're embarking on Whitman and Dickinson. I purchased a t-shirt with Whitman's face on it for the occasion. I'm wearing it tomorrow :) Nate's schedule picked up in the last few weeks with musical auditions and extra holiday performances. Here's a few photos of their last performance at Joslyn Art Museum: 
  • I mentioned in a few older posts that my district blessed me with a trip to Vegas for the NCTE and NWP conventions. I received an award at NCTE, and at the breakfast where they gave me the award, Ernest Morrell, was the featured speaker. He's the incoming president for NCTE and author of several insightful articles and books about literacy and teaching. It was exciting to be able to stand next to him...nerdy, I know! The book one of my essays was featured in, What Teaching Means, was also the topic of a session at NWP. The editors (teachers from here in Omaha) and a few of the authors all met for dinner one night. It was great meeting these people whose words have had such an impact on me. Here's a photo from our dinner: 
  • To celebrate Thanksgiving, Nate's family initiated our first-ever ugly sweater mandate. Nate went all out for the day, buying a women's cardigan, a nice turtleneck, a pair of loafers, and he shaved a creepy moustache. He was a hit, and I think it will more than likely be a tradition we carry over from year to year: 

That's about all we've been up to! We have two more weeks of madness before break. We are looking forward to some time away with family and friends!


Celie said...

I really wish I was in your class. Some insight on the Scarlet Letter would be fascinating! Right now I'm devouring Emerson... And will probably move on to Walden soon after. If you find any supplementing material you think I'd find interesting, don't be afraid to send it my way!

Amy said...

CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS on your award!!!!! Wowza!! I am not one bit surprised that you are already collecting awards. You are such a dedicated, intelligent and creative teacher.
