
Adoption is Not Second Best

I'm a little late in posting this, but last week I had a new piece go live on Her View From Home where I dispel the myth that adoption is second best. Like many posts, I've thought about writing this for at least six months now, but after a conversation during a long run with my best friend (also an adoptive momma!), I finally reached enough clarity to actually write the piece. Here's a teaser of the article; click here to read the full text. 
Those kids is how many people refer to my kids. The phrase rings with an air of pity and a twinge of thankfulness that someone else was willing to step in and adopt those kids. It’s a phrase often used with no harm intended, but the connotations are heavy. My kids aren’t those kids; no kids are those kids…kids in foster care or available for adoption are simply, kids.
To read the full text of this article, click here. If you're feeling generous, feel free to share the article on your favorite social media outlets!


Kristin said...

Sometimes it hits me that I'm actually a mamma finally... you writing it here gave me that again today. Thanks. It's amazing! We're moms D!

Kristin said...

Sometimes it hits me that I'm actually a mamma finally... you writing it here gave me that again today. Thanks. It's amazing! We're moms D!