So, coming up with a list of 25 things about yourself is a trend on facebook right is what I came up with:
1. My faith is the most important thing to me, though I am not perfect.
2. Nearly 3 years ago I married the most beautiful person...we grow closer to each other every day.
3. I find my husband most attractive when he is reading the Bible, worshiping God, or helping out with something at church.
4. I have the CUTEST dog ever....I love that he is always so happy to see me when I come home.
5. I have a strong desire to be a mother and am excited for when that beautiful day comes.
6. I am very impatient and am a perfectionist...a lethal combination.
7. I think a lot....sometimes more than I should.
8. I went through many "phases" in high school....this was usually portrayed through my numerous weird hairstyles.
9. I love to sing and play guitar, but never do it enough.
10. I am always looking towards the future and never do enough living in the moment. In high school I dreamed of being married by 20 (which happened) and having kids by 21 (still waiting on that one :). My freshmen year of college I used to doodle the Death Cab for Cutie lyric "Old age is just around the bend, and I can't wait to go gray" all over my notebooks and notes. Little did I know I would actually acquire my first gray hair at the age of 20 and have to start highlighting my hair at the age of 22 because I had so many gray hairs...
11. I've always dreamed of traveling across the country, stopping here and there to work odd jobs whenever I ran out of money....and that is why "Travels With Charley" is one of my favorite books.
12. I am a dreamer...hence #10 and 11. I've also dreamed of writing for a newspaper, marrying a music teacher (no joke!), publishing my own poetry book, owning a coffee/music/book shop, living in a big city (Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle) and starting my own healthy restaurant like Maggie's Vegetarian Wraps in Lincoln.
13. My family is amazing...I didn't realize this until after high school. And my in-laws are just as great.
14. I used to have reoccurring nightmares when I was a kid...they are too horrific to mention.
15. I get chronic bloody noses.
16. My close friends are like my family.
17. On Thursday nights I usually refuse to do anything but watch TV all night.
18. I love coffee...even more than that, I really love going to coffee shops to drink coffee and work...I find it very relaxing.
19. I am a health fiend...most times :) I enjoy cooking healthy foods, baking healthy things, calorie counting, grocery shopping for healthy food, reading Health magazine, etc. BUT....I do keep three bags of candy in the filing cabinet closest to my desk....Kit-Kats, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, Dumb-Dumbs, Tootie-Frooties, Candy Canes, etc.
20. I love lesson planning...I really want to pursue a Masters in Curriculum and Instruction eventually moving onto being a Curriculum Coordinator, or working for an ESU.
21. I teach English but am AWFUL at grammar and spelling...literature and writing are my strong points.
22. I have had several poems published, and several more turned down :)
23. I am really enjoying living in a small town...I never thought I would say that :)
24. I am very indecisive. I "almost" went to 4 or 5 different colleges, attended 2 different colleges, had 5 different majors in college, "almost" studied abroad, etc.
25. When I was in high school I used to sing and play the guitar in random spots around town with my case open, hoping that people would throw me money (they usually did!). I also played at a coffee shop in Norfolk a few times for a small crowd...that is the extent of my troubadour career :)